Mr Hameed served as director general of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) from 2019 to 2021, when Mr. Imran Khan was prime minister and was accused of meddling in political affairs at his behest.
Pakistan’s jailed former prime minister IMRAN KHAN on Tuesday termed the arrest of former ISI chief Faiz Hameed as an “internal problem” of the army, saying the army’s action against the ex. general Hameed had nothing to do with his party.
Mr Hameed served as director general of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) from 2019 to 2021, when Mr Khan was prime minister and was accused of meddling in political affairs at his behest.

Mr Khan’s legal representative Intizar Hussain Panjotha said “Imran Khan only said that ‘this is an internal matter of the army’ and whatever action the army has taken has nothing to do with the PTI or Khan”.
Mr. Panjutha quoted Mr. Khan as saying that this is purely a military matter which has nothing to do with PTI. He further clarified that there was no political connection between Mr. Khan and General Faiz.
Mr Khan also suggested that if General Faiz’s arrest was related to the events of May 9, it would be an opportune time to set up a judicial commission and release the CCTV footage of that day. Panjotha noted.